For my Geography project, the city I chose to do it on is Santa Clarita, California. The reason I chose this city is because it is the city where I am currently living in. So thanks for visiting my web page and enjoy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chapter 7: The Bypassed East- Perplexing Future

Like some of the blogs that I have read, this chapter focuses on the eastern side of the country. So in this case I will be talking about the perplexing future of Santa Clarita. From the textbook, it stated: "Information technology and innovative approaches to education: multinational corporations, and entrepreneurial successes; greater personal mobility and leisure time..." Santa Clarita has been focusing on modernizing the city. When I was first entered high school in 2002, there were the 4 high school, but now there is Golden Valley which opened up in 2004. They are also focusing on building more houses and developing more routes around the city. The development of Newhall Ranch which they are expecting or hoping to finish up in 2012 is expected to try and bring in about 70,000 more people and create around 20,000 new jobs. So right now, Santa Clarita is investing money in modernizing and making new houses to bring in more jobs and people into the city.

(Information were taken from these resources)
(United States and Canada textbook)

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